2 world wars happened while he was
Americans kicked him out so he went
back to France
Epic theatre- epic themes, epic
scale, episodic structure
Didn’t write about love, he wrote
about war and poverty, depression and he horror of war
“the love of the nightingale has an
epic theme, it has a background of war.
He sets his place usually in one room
He made people use there imaginations
Everything was set on the epic theme,
for example wen they was on a boat they weren’t really thay was just acting it
out so it looked like they was on a boat.
Air raids
He has lights on all time so you
could see everything
Different episodes
He broke down the fourth
wall(idium)visible line between you and the audience, don’t look at them,
everything we do is behind the fourth wall bretch sed theres no need for the
wall, the audience know there watching a play, lets just get real and think
logical, tell them whats happeneing through narration or through song.
He used flash backs
He made political and entertaining
with music and comedy
Introduced plays with a truly epic
scope. Made things rude and gags.
The best german word in theatre………
verfremdungseffekt to make something a little strange ( v- effect) something
can create verfremdungseffekt.
Verfremdungseffekt, or v- effect is
essencially what happens when you shatter the illousin that the piece of
theatre the audience is watching is
Examples wen the wall is brocken,
female and male chorus
Looking out the window
Telling a story as school kids. Now where
It’s the way your physically, cosume,
facial expression, attitude and use of space combine to show the audience what
kind of character you are- not subtle at all, just very clear.
simplifies gesture with attitude
whole charcter in one .
These are good notes on the first session we did on Brecht, but you need to get into the habit of developing bullet-pointed notes into sentences. You should also try to link information like this directly to the practical work that we are doing - how does our production fit in with Brecht's ideas? What about the characters that you are creating?